Date: Location: Yanitelli Recreational Life Center (Dance Studio Room)
870 Montgomery Street
Jersey City, New Jersey 07306
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Come play with us!

Wednesdays, March 12 – April 16

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Enroll your child in this unique sports play program for children ages 2-7 with and without ID (Intellectual Disabilities) to develop their gross motor learning skills, social, and basic sports skills while being introduced to Special Olympics New Jersey through our weekly guided play sessions. Our Young Athletes Program is led by the Saint Peter’s University students and faculty of the Community Health Department that are trained Young Athletes Coaches and Volunteers who committed to providing a inclusive space for all our athletes and families with SONJ to share the joy of sports and play.

This FREE inclusive sports play program will help your child to:

  • Improve and develop their gross motor learning skills
  • Ability to be introduce to basic sport skills and variety of skills
  • Learn to play with purpose and celebrate each athlete

Young Athletes focuses on the following skills:

  • Foundational Skills (strength, flexibility, and body awareness)
  • Walking & Running
  • Balance & Jumping
  • Trapping & Catching
  • Throwing
  • Striking
  • Kicking
  • Introduction to Sport Skills

Celebrate what your child CAN do!

Program Expectations:

  • All participants must participate with a parent/guardian or caretaker
  • Must commit and attend to all weekly guided play sessions of the program dates and times
    • If you cannot attend any session dates, you are responsible for letting coach know
  • All participants must wear athletic shoes or any type of closed toe sneakers
  • SONJ Young Athletes Registration is required to participate

Ready to PLAY?

For any questions or concern please contact,
Young Athletes Manager, Brianna at

Athlete Registration

Athlete Information

Parent/Guardian Information

County in which you reside in

Release Form:

I am the parent or guardian of the Young Athlete named above and agree to the following:

1.     Able to Participate.  The Young Athlete is able to take part in Special Olympics. I understand there is a risk of injury.

2.     Photo Release. Special Olympics organizations may use the Young Athlete’s picture, video, name, voice and words to promote Special Olympics. 

3.     Emergency Care: If a medical emergency should arise during the Young Athlete’s participation in Special Olympics activities at a time when a parent or guardian is not present to make medical decisions, I consent to medical care for the Young Athlete if needed, unless I check one of these boxes:

(If either box is checked, an EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE REFUSAL form will be sent and MUST be completed)

4.     Health Programs.  If the Young Athlete takes part in a Special Olympics health program, I consent to health activities, exams and treatment for the Young Athlete. This should not replace regular health care.  I can say no to treatment or anything else at any time for the Young Athlete.

5.     Personal Information.  I understand personal information may be used and shared by Special Olympics to:

  • Make sure Young Athletes can participate safely;
  • Run training and events and share results;
  • Put the Young Athletes information in a computer system;
  • Provide health treatment, make referrals, consult doctors, and remind me about follow-up services;
  • Research, share and respond to needs of the Special Olympics participants (identifying information removed if shared publicly); and
  • Protect health and safety, respond to government requests, and report information required by law.
  • I can ask to see and change the Young Athlete’s information.  I can ask to limit how the information is used.

6.      Concussions. I understand there is a risk of concussions and continuing to play sports with a concussion.  The Young Athlete may have to get medical care if a concussion is suspected.  The Young Athlete may also have to wait 7 days or more and get permission from a doctor before he/she starts playing sports again.

I am the parent/guardian of the participant named on this registration form.  I have read and fully understand the provisions of the above release.  Through my signature on this release form, I am agreeing to the above provisions on my own behalf and on the behalf of the participant named above to participate in Special Olympics games, recreation programs and physical activity programs.

Emergency Care Refusal Form


(To be completed by parent or guardian of athlete who is under 18 years old or otherwise has a legal guardian)

Instructions: Only complete this form if you do not consent to emergency medical care on religious or other grounds and have checked a box under the Emergency Care provision on the Athlete Release Form or Young Athletes Individual Registration Form.

Enter your young athlete's full name in space provided above.

As the parent/guardian of said athlete or young athlete, to be referred to as the Athlete in the rest of this form, I agree to the following:

1. No Consent to Emergency Medical Care. I understand that Special Olympics' standard registration form requires athletes or their parents or guardians to consent to emergency medical care for the athlete if needed in an emergency. Based on religious beliefs or other reasons I am not consenting to emergency medical care as follows.

2. Accompaniment of Athlete. I agree to be present with the Athlete at all times during any Special Olympics activity, so that I can be readily available to take personal responsibility for the Athlete if a medical emergency arises. This includes during meal times, in overnight accommodations, at training sessions and competitions, and during travel to and from Special Olympics activities. I understand that if I am not present at all times, the Athlete will not be permitted to participate in Special Olympics activities, and that no exceptions will be made.

3. No Guarantee. I understand that Special Olympics cannot guarantee that emergency medical care will be withheld if I am not present and actively taking personal responsibility for the Athlete during a medical emergency.

4. Liability Release. On behalf of myself and the Athlete, I release Special Olympics, its employees, and its volunteers from all claims that may arise out of taking or failing to take measures to provide the Athlete with emergency medical care. I am agreeing to this release because I have refused, knowingly and voluntarily, to give Special Olympics permission to take emergency measures, and I am expressly directing Special Olympics not to do so on religious or other grounds.

By signing, I agree to accompany my young athlete during Special Olympics activities and take personal responsibility for my child during an emergency. I understand the extent to which the athlete does not consent to emergency medical care and I agree to act in accordance with the athlete wishes as I understand on their behalf.

Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnification Agreement
For Communicable Diseases
("Agreement") for
Special Olympics New Jersey

In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in Special Olympics sports training, competition or fundraising activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:

1. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious and/or communicable diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist; and,

2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,

3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation as regards protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I observe and any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,

4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Special Olympics, Inc, Special Olympics New Jersey, their officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event ("RELEASEES"), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Parent/Guardian Signature

This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, have read and explained the provisions in this waiver/release to my child/ward including the risks of presence and participation and his/her personal responsibilities for adhering to the rules and regulations for protection against communicable diseases. Furthermore, my child/ward understands and accepts these risks and responsibilities. I for myself, my spouse, and child/ward do consent and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releases for any and all liabilities incident to my minor child's/ward's presence or participation in these activities as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE, to the fullest extent provided by law.

(By signing this Communicable Diseases Waiver electronically, you agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature.)

SP Logo

Protection of Minors on Campus

Acknowledgement of Risk and Release and Waiver of Liability Form
As parent or legal guardian (“Undersigned”) of the minor child whose name appears below, I acknowledge and hold harmless Saint Peter’s University (“University”) from any risks or incidents inherent in my child’s participation in the Special Olympics New Jersey Young Athletes Program (“Program”). This agreement between the Undersigned and University includes but is not limited to the following:

The Undersigned acknowledges that their minor child may participate in activities on [and off] of the University’s Campus including but not limited to: attending classes and related educational programs, traversing the University campus, dining in University facilities, and engaging in designated University events and activities.  The Undersigned understands and agrees that the University, its governing board, employees, and agents: (i) are not responsible or liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or other irregularity which may be caused by the defect of any vehicle or the negligence or default of any company or person engaged in providing or performing any of the services involved in this Program; (ii) are not responsible for losses or expenses due to sickness, weather, strikes, hostilities, wars, natural disasters, or other such causes; (iii) are not responsible for any disruption of travel arrangements, or any consequent additional expenses that may be incurred therein; (iv) assume no liability whatsoever for any loss, damages, destruction or theft or the like to personal belongings and the Undersigned will hold the University harmless therefrom.

Knowing the dangers, hazards, and risks of such an unaccompanied minor child, and in consideration of being permitted to participate in the Program, the Undersigned, on behalf of the minor child agrees to assume all the risks and responsibilities surrounding minor child’s participation in the Program, the transportation, and in any activities, and in advance releases, forever discharges, waives, and covenants not to sue the University, its governing board, officers, agents, employees, and any students acting as employees (“the University and its Agents”), from and against any and all liability for any harm, injury, damage, claims, demands, actions, causes of action, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever which Participant may have or which may hereafter accrue to the Undersigned, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including but not limited to suffering and death, that may be sustained by minor child’s or by any property belonging to minor child, whether caused by the negligence or carelessness of the University and its Agents, or otherwise, while in, on, upon, or in transit to or from the Program or any activity related to the Program.

The Undersigned assures the University that minor child has valid health insurance and does not have any undisclosed personal or medical needs precluding them from participation and does further state that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict participation in this Program.  The Undersigned is aware of all applicable personal medical needs of minor child and will meet any and all needs for payment of hospital costs and grants the University and its agents full authority to take whatever actions they may consider to be warranted under the circumstances regarding minor child’s health and safety if unconscious or otherwise unable to do so her/himself, and fully releases the University and its Agents for any liability for such decisions or actions or expenses as may be taken in connection therewith. The Undersigned authorizes the University and its Agents, at their discretion, to place minor child at the Undersigned’s expense, and without further consent by minor child or the Undersigned, in a hospital for medical services and treatment.  The Undersigned hereby releases the University and its Agents from all medical and transportation expenses incurred on behalf of or for the benefit of minor child.

The Minor Child and Undersigned agree to attend all courses and educational activities as required except in the event of severe illness and/or extreme circumstances which will be determined as outlined by University attendance policies.  In the event of extended illness or absences resulting in minor child’s inability to meet mandated requirements for University contact hours, Undersigned will withdraw minor child from Program until they are able to meet requirements.

Undersigned agrees to review in advance of the Program, respect and abide by University’s Student Code of Conduct in addition to any other rules governing the University community. The Undersigned further agrees to accept corrective actions up to and including expulsion if minor child’s conduct is determined to be in objection to stated policies. Undersigned acknowledges and agrees that he/she may be required to leave the Program at the discretion of University officials which can also include medical reasons. If asked to leave, the Undersigned agrees to take immediate action to travel to the University and to take minor child from campus or to make arrangements for the minor child to immediately and safely leave campus.

Undersigned agrees and acknowledges that Minor Child’s participation in University Activities and Use of University Facilities will be limited only to events, programs and activities that are designated for educational purposes only and will exclude any and all events paid for with student activity fees or specifically for students of legal age. Undersigned acknowledges that use of University facilities will exclude recreational facilities, game rooms, residential facilities and the like.

The Undersigned further agrees that this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, which shall be the forum for any lawsuits filed under or incident to this Agreement or the Program. The term and provisions of this Agreement shall be severable, such that if a court of competent jurisdiction holds any term to be illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any law governing this Agreement the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby.

As a parent/guardian on behalf of the above-named minor, I have read the above Agreement and Release of Liability Form and I understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated herein. I further indemnify Saint Peter’s University, its agents, officers and employees against any action brought against Saint Peter’s University, its Board of Trustees, agents, officers, and employees, and student volunteers by the above-named minor child, including but not limited to an action brought by him or her upon reaching the age of majority.  I warrant that I am authorized to execute this document on behalf of the above-named minor.