Wawa’s long history with Special Olympics New Jersey began with providing meals for our Coaches Training Sessions and evolved into a campaign to raise money for our Wawa Exercise and Wellness Center at the Special Olympics New Jersey Sports Complex.
This support developed into an annual coin and scan card campaign that runs through six states, where Wawa has a footprint raising over $1,000,000 for Special Olympics program support.
Wawa product support has continued to be a factor at our Special Olympics New Jersey events – most noticeably at our Seaside Plunge, where the Wawa truck sets up to offer our “frigid” plungers a hot cup of coffee. Not shy about taking the plunge themselves, Wawa employee teams have taken to the water as a plunge team at both our Wildwood Plunge and Seaside Plunge.
Each year, Wawa’s in-store campaigns are significant in the contribution efforts to Special Olympics programs. This year, you can donate your spare change now through February 19th as part of the Coin Canister campaign.
Then, from January 16th to February 12th, you can ask your Wawa associate to scan your donation as part of the Scan Card campaign.